sprungbrett Betriebsarbeit offers free counselling and support for companies in Vienna and the surrounding area. Companies receive information on apprenticeship training, on training female* apprentices for the first time and on funding opportunities. We support companies in recruiting, selecting and integrating female* apprentices and are also available as mediators in case of conflicts.

We enable young women* looking for an apprenticeship to get to know companies through internships and excursions. In the phase of career orientation, direct encounters on site in the companies are particularly important to reflect on one's own career aspirations and to subject them to a reality check. In mock job interviews, the participants are prepared for the selection process. In addition, the company work offers topic-specific workshops on the topic of "How do I successfully apply for an apprenticeship?

The company work is funded by the Public Employment Service Vienna, the MA57 Women's Service Vienna, the Federal Chancellery Section III (Women and Equality) and Section VI (Family and Youth).

The company work on the topics:
  • Counselling for (first-time) hiring of an apprentice

  • Information on funding opportunities for companies when taking on young women* in apprenticeship occupations

  • Counselling on possibilities for finding apprentices

  • Counselling on the selection of applicants

  • Counselling on integration measures for female* apprentices in craft trades/technology

  • Arrangement of trial work placements

  • Excursions to companies

  • Application coaching

  • Support in finding an apprenticeship

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Team von Betriebsarbeit

Isabel Farhadi   Sie/Ihr


Jana Frühauf   Sie/Ihr

dzt. Karenz Betriebsarbeit

Rosmarie Macher   Sie/Ihr

Betriebsarbeit, Kinder- und Jugendschutzbeauftragte

Daniela Mahel   Sie/Ihr

Bereichsleitung Betriebsarbeit

Sandra Moser   Sie/Ihr


Alina Natmessnig   Sie/Ihr


Susi Stiebitzhofer   Sie/Ihr

Stellvertretende Bereichsleitung Betriebsarbeit