
sprungbrett supports girls* and young women* on their way to a self-determined future. We stand up for equal opportunities, want to empower and show diverse perspectives beyond familiar role models as well as enable a life free of violence. We have been providing holistic and feminist advice since 1987. Young women* - including trans*, inter* and non-binary youth - are welcome with all their concerns!


OUR mission statement

The sprungbrett mission statement

Girls* and young women* are disadvantaged by social injustices. For us, this includes trans*, inter* and non-binary young people. As a feminist organisation, we create spaces for empowerment and actively campaign for equal opportunities. We focus on the interaction of different forms of discrimination. We want to create awareness for these topics.

We advise, accompany and strengthen girls* and young women* in a feminist, holistic and resource-oriented way in all life situations. We support personal development and provide orientation for various career and educational paths. We encourage new perspectives beyond familiar role models. Our goal is a self-determined and non-violent life.

We want fair living standards in which diversity is seen as a valuable enrichment. Girls* and young women* as well as families, schools and companies benefit from our work. In this way, we contribute to socio-political change.

This attitude unites everyone who works at sprungbrett. We constantly engage in current discourses and continue to develop as an organisation.


Ohne die Unterstützung unserer Fördergeber:innen wäre die Arbeit von sprungbrett nicht möglich. Unser Dank gilt folgenden Institutionen und Einrichtungen:

sprungbrett wird aus Mitteln des Arbeitsmarktservice Wien, der MA 57 – Frauenservice Wien, des Bundeskanzleramtes Sektion III (Frauen und Gleichstellung) sowie Sektion VI (Familie und Jugend), des Sozialministeriumservice, des Wiener Arbeitnehmer*innen Förderungsfonds – waff und der Arbeiterkammer Wien finanziert.


Spenden von Firmen oder Privatpersonen unterstützen unsere Arbeit ebenfalls. Falls Sie eine Spendenaktion zugunsten des Vereins sprungbrett planen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter und wir stellen Ihnen gerne Infomaterial zur Verfügung.

Infomaterial anfordern

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