youngFIT advises young women* between the ages of 15 and 21 who are interested in skilled crafts or technology. A prerequisite is registration with the AMS (U25). There young people can try out in workshops whether they enjoy these professions or not. They are supported in their search for an apprenticeship, the preparation of application documents and getting to know training companies. The counsellors accompany the young women* through the programme, which is carried out in cooperation with MENTOR.
FIT apprenticeships are professions with a low percentage of women*, but generally with good salaries and promising career opportunities in future-oriented sectors. These include the professions mechatronics engineer, cook, landscape gardener, metal technician, electrical technician, packaging technician, IT technician, automotive technician and optician.
At youngFIT, participants can try out these professions in a protected environment in the sprungbrett workshop to see if they suite them and if they enjoy them. They are supported in their search for an apprenticeship, preparing their application documents, getting to know companies during excursions and finding trial internships.
The youngFIT counsellors accompany the young women* the entire programme, which is carried out in cooperation with the educational and counselling institute MENTOR. In courses lasting several weeks (called "Perspectives" and "Basic Qualification") they are specifically prepared for starting an apprenticeship. Contents include career orientation, preparing application documents, application training, self-assertion, self-performance, digital skills, refreshing and deepening school knowledge in technical German, mathematics, IT, English, physics & chemistry.
After starting the apprenticeship, the young women* are accompanied by means of personal coaching and joint networking activities until they pass their final exams.
youngFIT is funded by the Public Employment Service Vienna (ams) and implemented by sprungbrett with cooperation of MENTOR.
Apprenticeship search in general and with a focus on skilled crafts/technology
Vocational orientation with a focus on crafts/technology
application documents and training
Psychosocial issues
Arrangement of trial internships
Excursions to companies
Support during apprenticeship training
digital skills