AusbildungsFit sprungbrett supports girls* and young women*, trans*, inter* and non-binary young people in the transition between school and work by coaching and training in various workshops. Young people between the ages of 15 and 21 (25 under certain conditions) are supported in acquiring the needed skills for a good start in an apprenticeship. This includes, for example, catching up on basic school knowledge and acquiring social or personal skills. As a post-maturation offer for young people, AusbildungsFit follows on from youth coaching.
The young people can either enter AusbildungsFit by assignment via Youth Coaching or start directly in the "pre-module". Here they work irregularly on individual days in the "construction/textile workshop", get to know different materials such as paper, cardboard, wood, metal or plaster. Work situations are practised and the participants receive a pocket money.
In regular training, young people* work constantly for up to 12 months in three different workshops: Construction/Textiles, in the Media or the Environmental Workshop. The young people get to know work processes and different occupational fields, do exercise, deepen their general education in the knowledge workshop, attend regular coaching and take courses for vocational testing. The participants receive financial support from the AMS. The booking of training is done exclusively through the youth coaching.
AusbildungFit sprungbrett is funded by the Social Ministry Service and is part of the NEBA Network for Vocational Assistance. This project is funded by the European Social Fund as part of the European Union's response to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Coaching on career orientation
Training in 4 different workshops: Construction / Textiles / Media / Environment
workshop for basic school knowledge / "post-maturation“
Excursions to companies
Arrangement of courses for vocational testing
AusbildungFit sprungbrett wird durch das Sozialministeriumservice gefördert und ist Teil des NEBA Netzwerk Berufliche Assistenz.